A cracked piece. I'll mend her; there are too many 'tests' in her to throw away.
More paper work. This is acrylic on paper. Get to open the kiln today..... got my fingers crossed for a good firing.
Watercolor again. The kiln is firing, maybe something different soon. Hope there's no blow ups.
Watercolors again. Different flavor of style.... on more expensive paper.
More paintings. Definitely floral but that's about all I can say, except it's a watercolor.
More paintings. Watercolor - Mother In Law Tongues.... or whatever the proper name is.
More paintings. Cactus watercolors.
Back to paper art today. The top painting is watercolor and is the design of a steel mat that I stood on as I worked on a lathe at a machine shop. The next painting is a combo of watercolor and gold paint of some kind. I never knew where this painting came from inside me but I liked it.
One of the bowls I make will be posted this date. I have several different drawings for these bowls. Some are figurative. The bowls are slab formed and sculptural. You can hang them on a wall or set them where ever.
SORRY, no photo posting for today. I'll try to improve tomorrow.
Ceramic sculpture approximately 2 ft. tall.
This will be two of my older pressed tiles.
There were some strange birds in our flower beds last year.
A water color somewhat based on whirl pools. I'll see what other paper work I have in my portfolio while I'm waiting on the kiln to fire some current work.
Here's another watercolor today. Sorry, no images of St. Pat or snakes, but there's a touch of green in the watercolor.
It's another old watercolor. I think this was early 80s. I loved that indigo blue.
Today is a watercolor that was done in 1979. It is about 8" x 10". I don't remember the paper. It was off a ring binder though.
I'll show the other tablet that fired with yesterday's blog. This tablet didn't have any experiments on it and it was sort of like a rote exercise for me.
I'll show a couple of clay tablets where I used low fire glaze mixed with the porcelain that was spread atop the red clay. One broke into during the glaze firing.... it was the one I liked.
This post will be a photo of the door to my kiln room.... which is a sheet of foam insulation with photos of things I like taped to it. The painting is one a dear friend did. Her birthday would have been this month if she were still with us.
Here' s a sketch that may have been used as an illustration. I'll try to get some more worked photographed this week end.
Some older sketches for this post. I think these are in the 70s. Salsify was the dog's name.
Somehow, I'm on here again today. This is another clay tablet. It is in the 9" x 12" range. The porcelain has underglaze color mixed in with it and then the glaze firing has more underglaze with a clear glaze over all.
Some 'angelic' person helped me and made this thing work ! Now let me see if there are and photos I can show. The top clay tablet is a bisque fire with underglaze added to porcelain. The second 'tablet' has had glaze added and fired to a higher glaze fire temp.
This site was acting up ealier. I'll try again. It's still acting up. I can't get my photos to upload to the blog. No photos today.
More comparisons today. The first 'tablet' is a bisque firing. There is no mold for this design. It was hand drawn on the clay each time. Yesterday's drawing is slightly different than todays'. The second tablet on today's post is a glaze firing. The dark area is actually an indigo dark blue color.
It's been raining her for 2 days and I'm not a duck. The first (top) photo is of the clay tablet in it's bisque state, with pigment added to the porcelain layer when applied. The second photo is of the 'tablet' after glaze firing, where I have added underglaze color and an overall coating of clear glaze. The tablet's final 'look' is in the second photo.
Get ready for the week end.....www.collegehillcoffeeco.com With that said,let's see some color. I think this was done in the 80s. It's water color and tempera and the size is about 8" x 10".
Let's see what today brings. These were all small sketches I did in the mid 80s. Some of them became large paintings.They are landscapes. I think I still have one of the paintings somewhere.
More history or herstory as it is. These cat drawings were done with ink and must be from the 70s. Cats weren't in my life til then.
More sketches today. The first sketch is a maintenance man at one of the places I lived. The next sketch is obviously a still life. The third sketch is what I thought I looked like at the time. Those eye brows are not mine.... they are from a pencil. The last sketch I think is the maintenance man again, done with a magic marker. Back then we could get that rainbow effect by adding water to the ink.